
Redefining Communications

Visual Identity

Redefining Communications

Redefining Communications is a young, fast growing agency that specialises in helping companies improve business performance by refining and improving their internal communication processes.

They asked me to develop a new identity that would better reflect their capabilities and give them a broader visual language. As they pointed out in their brief they needed ‘more than just a logo’.

Inspiring. Bold. Approachable. Concise.

I worked with the directors to define a set of personalities that were reflective of the way the agency does business, and that would form the basis for the creative work.

The idea for the identity is routed in change, and this is demonstrated both visually and verbally, with a set of core messages which help to succinctly explain the offer and a graphic approach that creates an ownable visual system that is easy to apply across all communication channels.

“Huge thanks to Adam for his work on updating the brand – it was time to delve into the personality to take it forwards and his guidance and expertise has been fantastic!”

Jenni Field, Managing Director, Redefining Communications 

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