

WLS design and supply commercial fire and security systems to businesses nationwide. I was commissioned by their marketing agency—Construction Marketing Experts—to create a new identity that would bring a refreshed look and feel to their communications.

The market they operate in is highly commoditised. Price is a key factor, and the industry is dominated by companies marketing products, features and accreditations that are indistinguishable from each other, resulting in no compelling point of difference between competitors.

Produced in partnership with Construction Marketing Experts

Given the lack of distinction within the marketplace there was a clear opportunity to adopt a new position and create some distance from much of the competition.

After meeting with the directors we conducted research with both staff and customers. It soon became apparent that WLS could adopt a credible position routed in their approach to business, which moved away from selling products and features, and instead focused on the human aspects of the business—a focus that was distinctly lacking from most of their competitors. 

A new ‘Human Security Company’ positioning formed the basis of the identity. Gone were the generic images and technical terms, replaced by a warm tone of voice and a focus on end user benefits, not just generic features claimed by the rest of the market.

The positioning also acts as a wider guide for brand activities, giving the company a clear direction and approach to ‘how’ and not just ‘what’ they do.

“There are consultants who know design, without a knowledge of commercial strategy and how brand and marketing tie in. Then there is Adam. He used a precise methodology to work out a brand strategy for a company with 30+ competitors all offering something similar.”  

Sarah Reay, Managing Director, Construction Marketing Experts

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